This past weekend I attended the PortconMaine convention in South Portland Maine where I decided to set up a vendor table and sell my novels, both print and ebook at discounted prices.
My overall take on the convention was very positive, it was well organized, the staff repeatedly were friendly, helpful and attentive. The fans really do make the con and this was no exception! I saw many...many costumes that were simply - incredible! The amount of time and effort put into them was beyond comprehension.
My sincere compliments to all!
I enjoyed talking with fans and thanks to all who purchased my novels. It was new and fun to be able to chat about my characters and upcoming new works.
As expected - I completely sold out of my novel The Rift and nearly sold out of three others as well, The Nexus, Tempest and Rules.
I also sold many bundles of the Revolution Trilogy.
My professional cover artist John Collado also worked the show with me, driving up from New York.
Many fans loved not only getting a signed book but one that was also being signed by the artist as well! And what made the fans even more happy was receiving an exclusive signed print by the artist as well!
The entire experience was so enjoyable that I look forward to attending next years PortconMaine convention!